Monday, December 26, 2011

There is still time, John. There is still time for you to join us. You don't have to be alone.

There were ages when this world was covered by him. Ages and eras and epochs where his ice covered the world. He let the world go, though, because he wanted people. People to live and walk and breath and laugh. He didn't want to be alone, just like us.

The world will be his again, John. He can cover it and make it like it once was. He can make it like paradise for us.

I know what they call him. They call him the Cold Boy. As if he was a child. As if what he looked like mattered at all. He is not a boy. He never has been a boy. He is something beyond what anyone can imagine.

To others he is the Cold Boy. To us, he is the Absolute.

Come and join us, John.

I'll be waiting,

Claire de la Lune

1 comment:

  1. Hey, girlie, PISS OFF!

    No, seriously, find someone else to crush on, who.. i dunno.. who's one of you i guess.

    ...and don't you dare spam my blog with comments.
    (Yeah, I doubt she'll read this.)
