Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa's Beard

I went to my work's Christmas luncheon yesterday. I would have skipped it but if we go, we get the rest of the day off with pay. And I need money. I need money because I don't know what I'm going to do.

I haven't seen Claire since Thursday. I'm not sleeping that well. It gets so cold in my apartment and then I start thinking that it's because of, you know, him. The name that commenter said. The Cold Boy.

God, that sounds like a dumb name. I mean, when I think of some embodiment of cold and entropy, I think of, you know, ice giants and stuff from Norse mythology. Not a little boy. But maybe that's the point. Maybe it's a boy so we won't notice him, so we won't even look at him as he's looking at us.

At the Christmas luncheon, the heaters stopped working. It got real cold for everybody. It ended early because of that. My boss wished us all a Merry Christmas. "And a Happy Hanukkah," she said in my direction.

I don't have a menorah. I think even if I did, if I tried to lit the candles, they would swiftly go out.

It's too cold for candles.

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