Friday, December 9, 2011

Minimum Wage

Why do I work at my job? It's boring, it's tedious, it doesn't have any benefits, it doesn't pay a lot of money, and my boss sucks beyond the telling of it. So why do I stay? Why not quit and try to find a new job?

Well, aside from the fact that finding a new job in the current economy would be incredibly difficult and I am nothing if not lazy, there's the fact that I am lazy. I don't like going out and looking for new jobs; I don't like going on interviews and dressing in ties and being "presentable." I like watching television and reading books and going on the internet. I am a professional crastinator.

But I have to do it sometime, don't I? I have to get off my lazy ass and find someplace else. I can't keep working where I am. I'm alone in my little cubicle, a nondescript company calendar on the wall, and I stare at my computer for eight hours. When I get away with it, I surf the web, hurriedly closing my browsers whenever someone walks past (like they don't also surf - I've caught plenty of them checking out and other shopping sites). I get an hour for lunch, where I sit outside and read my book and eat a sandwich and soda alone. Why alone? How else am I going to read? I can't read if someone is jabbering away across the table from me, talking about their boring day and how they're going to get super drunk on the weekend and so on.

So instead I sit alone and eat and read and then I go back to my desk and work (I'll spare you the boring details on what I do and just reiterate that it's boring) and then go home.

And then the sun goes down and the night passes and the sun rises and I start all over again.

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